-This little screed is the big news in the blogsmos* today. When I read long, rambling rants like this, I wonder exactly what inspired them. Was Kevin Church lurking on some horrible message board? Did he spend a little longer than he'd like in the comics shop yesterday, inadvertently eavesdropping on the types of fans that he seems to loathe so much? I do have to say the rancor of the piece surprised me a bit--I wonder if Church's comics writing avocation has anything to do with any of this. I should point out that I'm sympathetic to a lot of what he says, but its foamy earnestness just kind of makes me snicker a little. Also, I generally agree with the comments Guy left at B@N regarding this.
*I'm tired of typing "blogosphere," so I'm trying out a few new things.
-For whatever reason, it's Top Cow week at Newsarama. Is it even possible to fill a whole week with material related to Top Cow? Would even Marc Silvestri's mother be able to make it to Wednesday before overdosing on jagged metal claw-things and bizarrely proportioned women? And speaking of bizarre anatomy: what affliction, upon first glance, seems to be plaguing this screaming woman? (HINT: Most human females have two of these.)

-This is making my head spin, partly because it's making Brian Cronin's obsessions look topical.
Dick, you may hate my blog, but there's something about yours that [strike]I like[/strike] makes me read it the way a rash makes me want to scratch it.
Welcome to my blogroll. Please turn out to be cranky and opinionated, not a giant douche.
I assure you I'm not a douchebag, or any other femine (or even masculine) hygieine product. Unfortunately, I guess you're not Dr. Obviousso enough, because I have no idea who you are. Or maybe that's the way you want it....
The worst part about Church's insipid rant is that it's a pale imitation of the Joel Johnson post credited as its inspiration, which was self-deprecating, aware of it's inherent hypocrisy, and actually funny.
I honestly had no fucking clue who Joel Johnson was until 10 minutes ago, when I finally clicked on the link. At least he was willing to point out examples--a nod toward, I don't know, Paul O'Brien would have made Church's case more convincing. Also, Johnson was funny.
Do you and Church have beef, Guy?
"Saint Meltzer and Marz"?
Here's an idea: They're both bad writers who sell. The former is deranged, the latter is a hack whose embrace of cliche is only outstripped by Loeb.
How about THOSE apples?
Christ, just because you think somebody sucks and yet still has Gareb Shamus' medulla oblongota wedge in their colon doesn't mean you have to created weak willed excuses for the success.
There are PLENTY of comics I liked that I thought were great and yet tanked, like the Kaminki/Velluto Bloodshot, the Giffen Suicide Squad and Reign of the Zodiac. Hey, I think Daniel Way is talented. DANIEL WAAAAAAY! Yet, I don't need to make excuses for that. Yeesh.
I sort of like Daniel Way too, but for the love of God, don't tell anyone.
Nice work, Dick. Consider yourself added to the 2GBC sidebar, as if that carries any meaningful weight.
Hey, somebody's gotta watch the watchmen.
I dunno, Guy, your upsetness seems even sillier than Kevin's, which at least has a legitimate source. You're just mad that he's mad.
Dick: No beef that I'm aware of, but the blogiversmos is a funny place.
Joe: "Upsetness"? How so? Disappointment, perhaps, because I expected more from Kevin, but I don't get upset about things like this.
"Unfortunately, I guess you're not Dr. Obviousso enough, because I have no idea who you are."
Oh, sorry, I didn't mean my website's blogroll. I mean my daily what I read blogroll.
I should work on that obvious thing, or maybe start going by Dr Obfuscation, but I have a hard time spelling that right.
This topic was really educational and nicely written.
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